

We have this for K. I freakin love this sucker! We didn't even get a regular boppy for her. There's a little pocket that the 'bikini bottom' tucks into so it doesn't always have to be out. The sides Velcro (with the strongest Velcro I've ever encountered in my life!) underneath, and can be adjusted as LO grows.

This is the exact one that we have (not girly I know), but Leachco makes other fabric ones, but I can't tell if they're exactly the same. We love this. K is actually sitting in it next to me right now. We prop it up on pillows in the middle of our bed and play, and she sleeps in it at night. But, because of the bikini straps, I don't have to worry about her slouching down in it and not breathing well, this keeps her up on top of the pillowed back part!


even if you have a boppy, I recommend this as an additional one for when they start scootin more!

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